Planning Board and ZBA open alternate member positions

The Town of North Hampton, NH Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment have open positions available for alternate members of the Boards. Residents of the Town of North Hampton, NH of legal age are encouraged to apply. Please submit a letter of interest to the Planning and Zoning Office, Town of North Hampton, NH, 233 Atlantic Avenue, North Hampton, NH 03862. The letter of interest should include an identification of the desired position, a brief statement as to why the applicant wishes to be appointed to the position, and/or a brief description of any qualifications and experience the applicant may bring to the position. The letter must be dated and signed by the applicant with an original signature. Anyone with questions may contact the Planning and Zoning Administrator at 603-964-8650 or

Timothy Harned, Chair, Planning Board
George Lagassa, Chair, Zoning Board of Adjustment